
Berkhamsted Group, Pre-Prep, Prep | 30.01.2023

Pre-Prep French Day

Pre-Prep French Day

Today saw the Pre-Prep dressed in their finest red, white and blue clothes, learning French dances and taking part in an exciting quiz and range of activities. It was all part of Pre-Prep French Day, the first part of what will be an exciting Creative Arts Week.

Each year group enjoyed a session with Darren from the dance workshop group Dance Days, who taught the pupils a range of different French dance routines and styles, from French Country Dancing to the Clog Dance from the comic ballet La Fille mal gardée. The photo below shows the energy and enthusiasm from the pupils that was on display as they threw themselves into learning the dance routines!

In addition, the pupils took part in a variety of other activities, including colouring, producing a poster of fun facts about France, and participating in a French-themed quiz. This gave them a great opportunity not only to learn more about France as a country, but also to practise their French speaking and listening too.

Assisting the Pre-Prep pupils throughout the day were eighteen Year 6 Language Ambassadors from the Prep, who helped their younger peers to learn the dance routines as well as leading the quizzes and other activities. It was clear that the younger pupils enjoyed having the opportunity to learn from their older peers, while the Language Ambassadors acted as excellent role models and were able to share their French knowledge with the Pre-Prep.

As Year 6 pupils Constance, Grace and Ellie explained, becoming a Language Ambassador was a challenging process, with pupils having to compose an email or letter explaining why they should be chosen. However, the process was definitely worth it – Grace and Ellie really enjoyed the planning of events that the role required, as well as working with other people. Constance added that her favourite part of the role was making other children happy!

It was clear that this was the case, as the Pre-Prep pupils very much enjoyed working with their older peers, and the Year 6’s made great use of the leadership opportunities that the Language Ambassador role provided.

The day finished with a French Assembly for Year 1 and Year 2 where they were joined again by the Language Ambassadors.

French Day was the first part of Creative Arts week at the Pre-Prep, with Art (Tuesday), Wednesday (Drama) and Music (Thursday) Days to follow.

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