Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Supporting pupil wellbeing and development.

Our House system at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep is a key element of school life.  We aim to use our house system to support each pupil’s wellbeing and development, by providing each child with a sense of belonging.  The weekly house meetings are for all children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 and provides a forum for debate, house talks and opportunities for children to relate to different age groups and to develop their self-confidence.

Your child will be placed into one of our six Houses from Reception. They stay in their House until they reach the end of Year 6 when they transition to their senior schools and join a Senior School house.

The names of our Houses at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep are taken from historical figures relating to the history of Berkhamsted Castle.

Each House at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep is led by different staff from across our school and who help lead the House in a variety of activities. House Captains are appointed from Year 2 to represent each House and which provides early leadership opportunities for our children.

Our children enjoy earning House Points for positive work and behaviour, with their efforts recognised every Friday during assembly with the winning house awarded the coveted school House Cup.