Prep take on the Maths Challenge

Wednesday 16th November saw Prep School pupils take on the Primary Maths Challenge, an annual event that sees children tackle a series of tricky maths questions in order to try and progress to the final round.
Pupils had to chance to do a practice paper in pairs, helping one another to learn and practise before the real thing. Here to tell us more is Mr Fleet, Head of Maths at the Prep School:
“There’s a real buzz of excitement during the Maths Challenge Week – it’s definitely a highlight of our calendar. It’s a national competition and tens of thousands of children around the country take it, and we’ve been doing it for many years now. We do it because it’s really good for the children, it allows them to stretch themselves and think logically and mathematically outside of the box. It also gives access to an array of problem-solving questions, and I feel that this type of competition helps them prepare for the senior school whereby they are challenged more and more academically the further up they go.
“We’ve just taken the test this week and normally there’s a long nervous wait to see who gets through to the final round. Last year we had nine children who got through to the final round and one pupil actually got a gold certificate. There were only 400 children in the whole country who achieved that so that was a fantastic achievement.”
Well done to all pupils involved and best of luck for the next round!