
Berkhamsted Group, Girls | 19.07.2024

Sunnyside Up

Sunnyside Up

To give something back to the hardworking team of trainees from the Sunnyside Rural Trust (a small charity and horticultural project for people with learning disabilities, autism, dementia and Down Syndrome) Berkhamsted was delighted to host our annual Sunnyside BBQ this summer.

Sunnyside volunteers

Every week, Maintenance Supervisor Russell Hatt, welcomes a group of Sunnyside trainees who help maintain the grounds across our School campuses. Their tasks include tidying, weeding, planting flowers and shrubs to create a relaxing and enchanting feel around the grounds of our boarding houses.

To say thanks for the amazing work the Sunnyside team have been doing at our School and to reinforce our School’s value of serving others, we hosted a BBQ with the Sunnyside team and pupils from our girls’ school.

Berkhamsted School gardens in the scorching June heat provided a perfect setting for the BBQ, with summer hits blasting from the stereo as pupils and Sunnyside trainees mingled.

The catering team provided delicious burgers, hot dogs, and cookies that pupils, staff, and Sunnyside trainees dug into while they got to know one another.

It wasn’t long before everyone was dancing around the gardens, singing their favourite songs and each taking a turn to show off their best moves in the centre of the dance floor.

When discussing why he was motivated to introduce the partnership, Russell said: “I started this project to bring pupils and Sunnyside members together in a fun and beneficial way and to give pupils a chance to interact with the charities and volunteers who engineer change for good to inspire them to do the same.”

The BBQ was a wonderful opportunity to give something back to the hardworking trainees at Sunnyside while ensuring our pupils leave school with a strong sense of compassion and moral purpose!

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