
Confidently performing on stage.

Drama provides a wealth of opportunities and benefits for pupils at Heatherton. We believe the subject boosts students’ self-confidence, developing their emotional intelligence and compassion.

Drama also teaches pupils how to concentrate and cooperate, as well as how to articulate and express themselves, which is especially beneficial at this young age.

“We believe that it is of utmost importance that every child is offered the opportunity to perform and to develop their listening and public-speaking skills.”

At Heatherton, drama is incorporated within the Pre-Prep’s English Scheme of Work, with opportunities for speaking and listening arising in at least one English lesson each week. The highlight of Pre-Prep drama arises through the process of creating their Christmas play.



Rising Stars

During the Michaelmas term, Drama lessons for Years 2, 3 and 5 are used to prepare pupils for their LAMDA examinations.

We have high expectations of our girls at Heatherton, resulting in many successful and high-quality performances.

Some of our recent productions have included Oliver Jr, Mary Poppins and Matilda.


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Pupils achieve highly and exceed expectations across all areas, well above their commensurate ages.

Forward thinking and outward looking enough not to be a bubble, but there’s a lovely innocence about this small girls’ school nonetheless.

Teachers’ insistence on high expectations ensures that pupils strive from, and achieve, high standards in their learning and gain skills that enable them to make positive transitions within their school and to their senior schools.

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