
Developing character and resilience – good for the mind, body and spirit.

At Heatherton, every pupil has the opportunity to actively participate in Sport and we offer a curriculum from Nursery to Year 6, through which we seek to challenge the children both physically and mentally.

Sport encourages a resilient, motivated and adventurous spirit and when these qualities are practiced on the sports field, we see this mentality reflected in the classroom.

There is a large number of competitive and non-competitive sporting activities on offer to our pupils including: Athletics, Netball, Ballet, Cross-Country, Tennis, Gymnastics, Biathlon, Football, Hockey, Yoga and Lacrosse. 


Healthy Competition

Every student will experience competition in several activities – whether in class games and Athletics, inter-house activities or inter-school fixtures and tournaments – during their time at Heatherton.

We also enter national competitions in swimming and have enjoyed great success in the Small Schools category in both IAPS and ESSA competitions.

A specialist Physical Education teacher delivers PE lessons ar Heatherton. Specialist coaches in Ballet, Gymnastics, Football, Cross-Country, Lacrosse, Swimming, Tennis and Triathlon also support some curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Pupils in Reception – Year 6 swim every week at The Beacon School in Amersham and the pool at Knox Johnson, as well as use the extensive facilities at our other School sites for a range of sporting activities. 

We enjoy taking on sporting challenges at Heatherton and we have recently encouraged our pupils and staff to ‘Move a Mile a Day’ for better health and fitness. Heatherton also support charities like Sports Relief and Sports for Champions to promote fitness and fun, whilst developing students’ sense of compassion and giving. 


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Pupils achieve highly and exceed expectations across all areas, well above their commensurate ages.

Forward thinking and outward looking enough not to be a bubble, but there’s a lovely innocence about this small girls’ school nonetheless.

Teachers’ insistence on high expectations ensures that pupils strive from, and achieve, high standards in their learning and gain skills that enable them to make positive transitions within their school and to their senior schools.

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