Welcome to Berkhamsted Day Nursery Open Event
Saturday 9 March 2024 | Berkhamsted Day Nursery
We are delighted you have been able to join us for Berkhamsted Day Nursery’s open event and we are looking forward to touring you around our amazing school and sharing why we believe we are developing remarkable young people.
Please see below:
- Our Safeguarding guidelines whilst on site
- Details of our Fire Evacuation Plans
Please see staff at the Admissions Desk in the Sports Hall if you have any questions.
We hope you have a good day.
All families must be accompanied by a Berkhamsted employee to tour around the school.
The Berkhamsted Schools Group is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects staff and visitors to adopt a child-centred and co-ordinated approach to child protection and safeguarding.
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Any child can be abused and therefore has the right to be safeguarded.
- Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility.
- It is your duty to recognise and respond.
- Maintain an ‘it could happen here’ attitude.
- Please raise any concerns about a child or our safeguarding practice with the Headteacher of BDNL & Pre-Prep : 01442 358188
- If you have any concerns about a member of staff please refer to the Principal: 01442 358002.
There are no planned drills today. If the fire alarm sounds everyone is to evacuate.
Berkhamsted Staff (wearing blue Berkhamsted lanyards) will guide you out of your location through the nearest fire exits.
Please remain with the member of staff who is leading your tour as they will guide you to the meeting point in the playground by Jubilee Hall, at the front of the school.
It may be necessary to take a register.
Search and connect to the WiFi network called:
Wi-Fi Name: Berkhamsted External
Password: BerkGuests1541
Pre-Prep of the Year – Independent School Awards
Berkhamsted Pre-Prep was proud to be announced as the winner of Pre-Prep of the Year at the Independent Schools Awards
Latest ISI Report – February 2024
“Leaders empower teachers across the school to undertake research projects, directly related to their teaching. As a result, teachers’ professional knowledge grows, and they develop the skills to find creative and innovative ways to improve pupils’ learning. In this way, the research-based approach to improving learning has a positive impact on pupils’ personal and academic outcomes.”
Good Schools Guide
If you have enjoyed the open event and would like to register your child/ren for Berkhamsted Day Nursery please contact the Admissions department who will talk you through the next steps and availability.