Berkhamsted Society

The Berkhamsted Society provides a means of unifying interactions with key groups associated with the school including: pupils, parents, alumni, parents of alumni, neighbours, local friends

Richard Thompson, Assistant Vice Principal (External Relations), offers you a warm welcome to The Berkhamsted Society!

By running events and meetings, the Berkhamsted Society aims to assist the Berkhamsted Schools Group to achieve its aim of being beneficial to the community and closely connected to all its constituencies.

The Berkhamsted Society builds and enriches our sense of community within Berkhamsted School but also projects the strength of this very same community outside the physical constraints of the School locally, nationally and internationally.

The Society exists to provide a means of tying together the School’s interactions with key groups of constituents: pupils, parents, alumni, former parents, neighbours and local friends. By running events and establishing working relationships with and between all these groups, the Society assists the School in its aim to be good for the community, closely connected to all its constituencies, and a means of providing and strengthening relationships between people. In so doing, it enhances provision for each of the connected groups and also provides greater business networking opportunities for members of our school community but also for young entrepreneurs moving into the area.

The Berkhamsted Society strengthens ties between recent former pupils and the School, learning from former students’ views about their university, course, and preparation at Berkhamsted, whilst providing much valued subsequent feedback for the School’s current students.

Partnerships are established with other local junior and senior schools, whereby students and staff alike benefit from shared ideas, experiences, opportunities and resources.

A programme of events of cultural and social interest is run for the local communities, with access to pupils from the maintained sector Schools with whom we have established relationships. Our hope is that this will make it easier for people to move into Berkhamsted and forge connections in and around the School and town, and also act as a bridge between local communities. Our community events include intimate talks with ultra-runners such as Anna McNuff through to our theatre ‘audience with’ events which have included guest speakers such as Paula Radcliffe MBE, Ben Fogle, Simon Weston CBE, Nigel Owens MBE, Roman Kemp and Richard Coles, and to event visits which have included a Williams F1 Miami Grand Prix Race Day Experience.

The Berkhamsted Society enables the School to participate fully in local life, with good relationships built with local groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, The Royal British Legion, Rotary, Age UK Dacorum, The Hospice of St Francis and the BerkoFest Book Festival, as well as many others, so that opportunities for the School’s resources and volunteering may be used well for local events and activities.

Through all such connections, we ensure that the School’s external face is fully reflective of its values by being integrated into the local community.

Follow us on Twitter @BERKOSOCIETY

Why become part of Berkhamsted Society?

Listen to Richard Thompson discuss the benefits of being part of our Berkhamsted Society and keeping in touch with the local community.


Subscribe to future events

Community Impact Report

In its work, The Berkhamsted Society ties together the School’s interactions with several key groups of constituents including The Old Berkhamstedians, the Friends of Berkhamsted School, current and former parents, current and former pupils and the local community. The Society aims to strengthen relationships between people, building social capital and having an impact on the local and wider communities.

We have considered the breadth of impact that Berkhamsted School has had and continues to have via the very much valued partnerships it has developed, and we are pleased to be able to share our first ‘Community Impact Report’ with you. Click below to read.

Berkhamsted Schools Group’s Community Impact Report 2023

Community and Events

Upcoming Events


An audience with Kate Silverton & Lynn Bowles

1 Feb 2024

Join Kate Silverton, News Presenter and Therapist, and Lynn Bowles, BBC Radio Wales and Former Travel Presenter for Radio 2, for an evening of story telling and adventure.
£10 per ticket, free to those in full time education
Centenary Theatre, Kings Road, Berkhamsted. 
Book your ticket


The Band of the Household Cavalry

7 Mar 2024

Your chance to come and see The Band of the Household Cavalry, In Association with Berkhamsted School.
Tickets are £10 each. All proceeds will to to the Household Cavalry Foundation.
Centenary Theatre, Kings Road, Berkhamsted.
Book your ticket

Previous Berkhamsted Society Events 


Wreath Making

Williams Formula 1 Grand Prix Race Day

An Audience with Reverend Richard Coles

Wine Tasting Evening

Summer Barbecue

An Audience with Paula Radcliffe

An Audience with Ben Fogle

Anniversary Fund

We are proud of the commitment of our community in helping us provide the funds for both development projects and Bursaries. In 2018 we launched our ‘Anniversary Fund’ with the target of providing 60 bursary places at Berkhamsted by 2041

Anniversary Fund