In the Berkhamsted Spotlight Podcast

Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Our episodes feature guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

Click on the episode titles below to listen:

The growing movement towards a smartphone free school

Physical Development and Sport at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Prep

Promoting Nutrition Education in Schools: A Nutritionist’s Perspective

St John’s girls share their experience of boarding

Sixth Form Life with Nick Cale

European Lacrosse Champions 2024

Youth Advocacy and Making a Difference

Boarding at Berkhamsted

Interview with Debbie Cooper, Head of Stepping Stones

Girls’ Cricket at Berkhamsted


057 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing the remarkable Berkhamsted School community. Each episode, we speak to students, staff and alumni to bring you their insights.

In today’s episode, we’re speaking to Mark Costin, Head of Girls’ Cricket and Millie from Year 13, who is the captain of the girls’ first team.

Exciting or scary …the step to secondary



056 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing the remarkable Berkhamsted school community. Each episode, we speak to students, staff and alumni to bring you their insights.

In today’s episode, we’re speaking to four pupils from Year Seven, and they’re going to tell us what it was like transitioning in from Year Six.

Interview with OB, Stephen Campbell Moore


055 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Now today we’re speaking to someone really quite special. When Stephen Thorpe is on TV or in the movies he’s more commonly known as Stephen Campbell Moore. But today he’s not with some of the biggest names in the industry (I’m talking Stephen Fry, Rowan Atkinson, Dan Aykroyd) he’s not with them at all because he’s with us. And he’s about to talk about his life when he was at Berkhamsted.

We find out how the school helped him with his love of drama, what it was like featuring in a major movie when he was right at the start of his career and how things might change in the industry in the future.

But we also find out what he’d say to a student who was considering if an acting career was right for them, interesting to get his thoughts on this.

Anyway, that’s all coming up in this episode. So let’s cut the intro and instead step into this conversation as we talk to theatre, film and TV actor, Stephen Campbell Moore.

Stephen Campbell Moore

🎄 Nativity at Berkhamsted

054 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. In this episode it’s time for the Nativity at Christmas!

Charlie Taylor’s journey from the CCF at Berkhamsted to a career in the forces


053 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Now today this is a great episode because I’m speaking to someone who left Berkhamsted back in 1993 having gone through the school’s CCF programme and then joining the army.

Charlie Taylor is our guest and he talks about what life in the army was really like, what he did, where he served, what it’s like being in different parts of the world and what it’s like for those who are left behind. But we also talk about how the school’s CCF programme prepared him and what he might say to someone considering it at school today.

It’s a great episode and I think you’re going to love this conversation. So come with me as we find out about CCF and army life by talking to Charlie Taylor.

A conversation with the new Head Boy and Head Girl, Dan and Ella


052 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Today we’re talking to the recently appointed Head Girl and Head Boy at school so we’ve a real treat for you. Ella and Dan are both in Y13 and they talk about the process they went through, what they’ll need to do in these positions, how they’ll balance this with their academic work and what they think they might be doing once they leave school. Also, turns out it’s a special day for Ella, find out more when you listen to the episode.

Anyway, for all that and for a whole lot more come with me as we speak to the current Head Boy and Head Girl, it’s Dan and Ella.

The School Trip to Singapore and Malaysia


051 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Today we have a great episode as we’re finding out about the recent school trip to Singapore and Malaysia, both amazing places for pupils to visit.

Clare Tan is our member of staff who was heavily involved in the planning of this trip but while it’s good to hear from her it’s great to hear from some of the pupils who enjoyed this trip. So we’re also joined by Ben in Year 8, Jemimah in Year 9 and Charles in Year 10, and they’re going to tell us about some of the things that happened on this trip, why it’s so good for them as teenagers and how it helps so much given that they’re learning Mandarin in school.

So let’s not waste any more time but instead come with me into Berkhamsted as we speak to three pupils and Miss Clare Tan.

A conversation with Sally Rowe about Food Tech


050 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Today I hope you’re hungry because if you’re not then you will be shortly. Sally Rowe is the Head of Food and Nutrition at Berkhamsted and she’s talking to us today about, you guessed it, food.

We talk about what food tech looks like at school, the fact that more and more boys are getting into food, and we talk about food in our society, where it all comes from, why that’s important, the different advice that we’re given and the relevance of so-called fad diets.

It’s a great episode, I know you’re going to love listening to it. So come with me into the world of Food and Nutrition at Berkhamsted as we speak to Sally Rowe.

Netball Success at Berkhamsted


049 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. Now today we’re getting into sport, in particular Netball. Dani Wates is the outgoing Head of Netball and she’s joined by Dannii Titmuss Morris, the incoming Head of Netball who is also a former Netball Superleague coach. And then we also have Louise Travis, she’s a parent in the school community who is an international netball umpire and she recently umpired at the Netball World Cup in South Africa. So we have quite a team here today!

I get to ask them all about what Netball looks like at Berkhamsted, we hear about some recent successes, how each of them got into netball when they were younger and the importance of being an inspirational teacher.

That’s all coming up in this episode so let’s not waste anymore time but instead come with me as we speak to Dani Wates, Dannii Titmuss Morris and Louise Travis.

A spotlight on the production of Beauty and the Beast


048 – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. And today we’re speaking to some of the cast of the Prep Musical, Beauty and the Beast.

Now, there was a cast of more than 100 pupils in this, so speaking to them all was never going to be an option, but we do have with us seven of the cast including Chip, Madame de la Grande Bouche, Belle, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Maurice and Gaston.

We’re going to hear about the rehearsals, the stressful parts of the preparation, what it feels like for our pupils to be on stage and how they cope when things don’t quite go as planned.

So let’s dive into this episode with our Y6 pupils and also with the school’s very own, Mrs Kate Turnley.

In conversation with the chairs of the Debating Society, Finn, Bella and Henry


047  – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. And today we’re speaking to some of the sixth formers.

Finn, Bella and Henry are with us and they run the Berkhamsted Union, a debating society that was formed last year.

So we’re about to find out what the union looks like, how often they meet up, what kind of issues they debate, how people can get involved and what some of the challenges are to running something like this.

But we also get to find out the benefits of being involved in something like this, not just if you’re running it but however you might be involved in it.

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to sixth formers Finn, Bella and Henry.

Stepping into Heatherton to speak to Headteacher, Nicola Nicoll


046  – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. And today we’re stepping into Heatherton to speak to Headteacher Nicola Nicoll.

Now Nicola’s been on an earlier episode but that was not long after she joined the school so I was very keen to hear how she’s getting on and what changes she’s gone through herself.

But I also ask her about something called Game Changers (she explains all about that), we talk about how the school helps girls there to dream big for the future, and we talk about how to break those stereotypes for girls’ career choices.

All that’s coming up right now so come with me as we step into Heatherton and speak to Headteacher, Nicola Nicoll.

England’s most capped rugby sevens player and Berkhamsted rugby coach, James Rodwell


045  – This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. And today I’m super excited for you to hear this, we’re speaking to James Rodwell, pupil at the school from 1991 to 2002 but after leaving the school he stepped into professional rugby, he’s England’s most capped rugby sevens player, an Olympic silver medalist and he was the Head Coach for the England women’s sevens team.

And now he’s back as a rugby coach at Berkhamsted.

So we’re going to find out his experience being a boy at school, where he went to university but also all about his professional career, travelling the world and I ask him what it’s like to play rugby in front of 85,000 people, that’s a number I can’t quite get my head around.

But we also find out what this means for him now he’s working at school and, more importantly, what that means for the pupils.

Whether or not you’re into rugby, this is a great episode and I know you’re going to love it. So come with me as we speak to professional rugby player, coach and member of staff at Berkhamsted, it’s James Rodwell.

Catching up with Principal Richard Backhouse


044 –  This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. I’m so pleased you’re here because it’s a new year and this episode features Richard Backhouse, Principal at Berkhamsted. Now the last time Richard featured on the Berkhamsted Spotlight was back in April 2021 and in that time quite a bit has changed.

We’re going to find out some of those things and we’re going to find out some of the upcoming changes in the next 12 months. But I also throw Richard a couple of challenging questions which, given that he had no insight into what I was about to ask, makes his responses all the more remarkable.

Anyway, all that’s coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to the Principal, Richard Backhouse.

School Governor and Parent, Sarah Shields


043-  This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight and today we’re talking all about technology and how it impacts our lives and, importantly, the lives of our children.

Sarah Shields is a school governor who’s spent the last 15 years working for Dell Technologies. She holds a senior position there and as you’ll hear she’s passionate about technology and how it shapes our lives.

Sarah is also a parent with two children at the school which puts her in the perfect place to be a school governor. So, if you have children and if they use technology, if they have a phone, if they engage in social media or online gaming, then you’re going to love this episode.

Come with me right now as we speak to school governor, parent and technology enthusiast, Sarah Shields.

What’s happening in the next few months with Headteacher, Emma Watson


042- This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight and today we’re stepping into Berkhamsted Girls as we speak to Headteacher Emma Watson.
Now Emma’s career before working in education was very, very different and I think you’re going to love what she was doing. Today she’s in an all-girls environment so she’s going to tell us what that means, we talk about risk too, we find out what’s happening over the next few months in school and we find out more about Emma herself.

It’s a great episode and I think you’re going to love it so come with me as we speak to Headteacher at Berkhamsted Girls, Emma Watson.

What happens when pupils leave school with Mo Tanweer


041 –  In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking all about what happens when pupils leave the school. We speak to an Academic Consultant at Berkhamsted which means he works with pupils to help them put their best foot forward to pursue their journeys and to realise their potential, particularly post sixth-form study to university.

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to Mo Tanweer

Gavin Laws explains the Governor’s role at Berkhamsted


040 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re speaking to one of the school’s Governors, Gavin Laws. We’re going to find out what it means to be a Governor, how the board of Governors is made up, how it helps the staff and possibly more importantly how this in turn helps the pupils at school.

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to school Governor, Gavin Laws.

Speaking with Girls Head of House, Boarding tutor and Second in History Will Findlay


039 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re speaking to Will Findlay who works at Berkhamsted doing three different roles. He’s a Girls’ Head of House, he’s also a Boarding tutor and then in a teaching capacity he’s also the Second in History.

He explains to us what each of these roles encompasses, how they all fit together and what that means for the students too. But we also hear what Will has changed his mind about in the last two years and what his remarkable moment at Berkhamsted has been (he cheats in that a little but it’s OK, we can let him off).

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to Will Findlay.

Talking about Seussical, the School Production with the Head of Drama and Year 6 pupils


038 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re going into a school production. Mrs Turnley, Head of Drama at Berkhamsted, is joined by five of the Year Six pupils and together we hear what it felt like to be in a recent school production.

Discussing Staff Research with Deputy Head, Hannah Butland and Head of Research, James Cutler


037 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight I’m joined by Hannah Butland, Deputy Head: Teaching Learning & Innovation and James Cutler Head of Research and Teacher of English, and they’re here to talk to us about research. And when I say research I’m talking about staff research, to improve their teaching practice.

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to Hannah and James

Alastair Harrison, Asst Head of English, EPQ Coordinator and Sixth Form tutor


036 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Alastair Harrison, Head of English, EPQ Coordinator and Sixth Form tutor

Alastair is going to talk to us today about how he got into English, what he did after completing his time at Exeter University what he finds most challenging at school in 2022, enrichment activities, literary walks and even meditation

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to Alastair Harrison, Head of English, EPQ Coordinator and Sixth Form tutor

Headteacher at Berkhamsted Boys School, Tom Hadcroft


035 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Headteacher at Berkhamsted Boys School, Tom Hadcroft.

Tom’s going to talk to us about his first term as Headteacher, how he’s found it there, some of the differences between Berkhamsted and where he was before, and what makes Berkhamsted so special. But we also get to hear what his remarkable moment has been in just the first few weeks and, at the end, what he’s changed his mind about in the last two years (and hooray, it’s not Covid related) so stick around to the end to hear what that might be.

That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to the Headteacher of Berkhamsted Boys, Tom Hadcroft.

Head Girl Rebecca, and Head Boy Orlando


034 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re speaking to Head Girl and Head Boy Rebecca and Orlando.

They’ll discuss the process of applying for the roles of Head Girl and Head Boy, some of the challenges they face and what they like about the roles.

But we’ll also hear about what subjects they’re studying and how their recent mock exams went (hopefully all good!)

So come with me now as we speak to Head Girl, Rebecca and Head Boy, Orlando.

The cast and crew of Shrek The Musical


033 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re speaking to the cast and crew of this year’s school performance Shrek The Musical.

We’ll be hearing from pupils Louis, Anna, Will and Ellie, as well as Performance Director, Mrs Dawn Wylie. They’ll tell us all about the roles they played in the performance, the emotions they were feeling during their final show and their highlights from the entire production.

So come with me now as we speak to the cast and crew of Shrek The Musical.

TooledUp Education – revisiting pastoral with Tracey Evans, and Dr Kathy Weston


032 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re going back in time. We are revisiting our pastoral podcast featuring our Chief People Officer, Tracey Evans, and Dr Kathy Weston from TooledUp Education.

Berkhamsted Schools Group are partnering with TooledUp Education to provide access for parents to their large resource of a truly inspiring online digital library of evidence-based resources on all aspects of parenting, education and family life.

Berkhamsted and TooledUp Education will be hosting Dr Kathy in a webinar for parents on 21st March to run through the details of this provision – so if you are a parent listening to this podcast please make sure you refer to your e-mail of how to sign up!

So let’s delve into the world of pastoral care and how this is a large part of life at Berkhamsted School

Sixth form life at Berkhamsted with Martin Walker


031 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re looking back at a previous episode because the team are excited that the work for the new future of Berkhamsted Sixth is set to begin next week.

So this is an episode with Martin Walker, Headteacher at Berkhamsted Sixth, recorded in 2021 but it’s still just as relevant today in 2022.

So to accompany the work that’s starting next week we’re going to hear Martin talk about sense of purpose, we’ll hear about young entrepreneurs coming back into the school and we hear what shaped the way that Martin leads the sixth form, whether that was his own experience of being a student or what he’s picked up on the way.

So come with me now as we jump back and hear from Headteacher of Berkhamsted Sixth, Martin Walker.

Stepping into Design and Technology with Amanda Attfield


030 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Amanda Attfield, the Head of Design and Technology at Berkhamsted.

Amanda’s going to tell us all about Design and Technology, and how she gets young students to be passionate about the subject, why its important to get more girls doing Design and Technology and we also get to hear the opportunities A Level students can expect with their qualification.

This is a great episode, I’m sure you’re going to love it so let’s dive in now with Amanda Attfield.

Headteacher Nicola Nicoll talks about Heatherton and science


029 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re stepping into Heatherton because on the morning of Friday 18 March they’ll be holding an open event. So if you’re a member of the school community then why not share this episode with people you know who might be interested in coming along.

To book your place just visit and everything you need is right there.

And in this episode Headteacher Nicola Nicoll talks about Heatherton and science.  Find out about the remarkable people and pupils at Heatherton.

Pre-Prep and Prep revisited


028 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re going back in time. Heads-up for you, Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Prep are holding their open events on Saturday 26 February with Pre-Prep’s in the morning and Prep in the afternoon. So we thought it would be good to revisit two conversations from 2021 and put them together into this episode.

Headteachers Karen O’Connor and Jamie Hornshaw provide some insights into their schools which is a great place to start if you’re looking to find out more. If you’d like to book your place then you can do so on the website:

But in the meantime come with me as we jump back to two earlier episodes, first with Karen O’Connor Head of the Pre-Prep, followed by Jamie Hornshaw, Head of Prep.

Outdoor Ed – fashionable or a key part of school education?


027 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re going outdoors with the wonderful world of outdoor education. Simon Payne, Director of Outdoor Education, explains what it’s all about. And if you ever thought it was just going to be geography field trips then you’re in for a surprise!

Simon talks us through how outdoor education looks for the young children in school right through to sixth form, and even what happens when children leave school and they’re pursuing their own adventures.

So let’s not waste anymore time but instead come with me now as we dive into the world of outdoor education at Berkhamsted with Simon Payne.

Unpacking Music at Berkhamsted


026 – Remarkable community indeed. In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re jumping into the music department. This means we get the chance to speak to Steph Gunary, Director of Performing Arts Development, Ben Noithip, Head of Solo performance and Malcolm Melling, Head of Ensembles.

And what a team they are!

We hear all about solo concerts, the visiting music specialist teachers, what it’s like playing in groups, the junior orchestra, the choir rehearsals on Tuesdays and what they’re currently singing. And then we get to hear how music features as part of the curriculum and the skills the students learn from music to help them into the future.

Now this episode is a smidge longer than normal but I think you’ll find it’s worth it. So come with me now as we dive into the world of music at Berkhamsted with Steph, Ben and Malcolm.

The benefits of single sex education – is it still relevant?


025 – Remarkable community indeed. In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Berkhamsted Girls Headteacher, Liz Richardson.

Liz will talk to us about the values in single sex education, the benefits it has in a teaching environment, the wellbeing of the girls and their happiness in a same sex environment and how she responds to those that claim same sex schools have become outdated.

Liz will also talk a little bit about her background and experience, what school was like for her growing up and how it’s changed since.

So come with me now as we dive into the world of Berkhamsted Girls School with the Headteacher, Liz Richardson.

In conversation with the Director of Drama, Dominic Curtis


024 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the Director of Drama Dominic Curtis.

Dominic will discuss his role as Director of Drama, why drama at school is such a useful subject regardless of a student’s career aspirations and what the House of performing arts is all about.

But we’ll also find out about his responsibilities as an Inspirational teacher at Berkhamsted.

So come with me now as we speak to Director of Drama, Dominic Curtis.

Christmas is coming!


023 – It’s Christmas in the Pre-Prep and this may well prove to be one of the favourite podcast episodes of the whole channel so far. We have a unique moment to enjoy some time with some of the children in Reception, they’ll be talking to us about Elf Day, some children from Year One talking about the Nativity, the children from Year Two giving their understanding of what the Christingle service is all about and finally we hear from two of the parents from Stepping Stones talking about the Woodland Walk.

This is so much fun and if it doesn’t fill you with all those good feelings of Christmas then quite frankly, I don’t know what will!

So let’s step into Christmas right now as we begin with a conversation with our Reception aged children.

Power BI – what is it? Nick Cale explains.


022 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the Deputy Head, Curriculum and Assessment, Nick Cale.

So, in this episode we’re going to be talking about something called Power BI, what it is, how it’s used and how it helps the teaching staff at Berkhamsted.

We also have a chance to talk to Nick about his background and how he got into teaching.

That’s all coming up in this episode, so come with me now as we speak to Deputy Head, Curriculum and Assessment, Nick Cale.

Religion – a place for all and the benefits of time to reflect


021 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the school Chaplain, Reverend Jane Markby, and Assistant Chaplain, Chloe Hopkins.

So today, we’re going to discover how the school’s Christian ethos works alongside the many faiths and diverse cultures in the school, how the Chaplaincy support students and why it’s important to encourage reflection.

But we also get to discuss the bigger picture about the impact of faith and spirituality in the Berkhamsted community.

That’s all coming up in this episode, so come with me now as we speak to Jane and Chloe.

Leadership skills, why are they so important?


020 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the Deputy Head Leadership, Duncan Hardy.

Now, Duncan is in charge of co-ordinating opportunities for leadership development for pupils and staff at Berkhamsted. That means in this episode we’ll get to find out how the leadership programme works, what co-curricular is and why children learning skills like leadership and public speaking is so important to their development in school.

So come with me now as we speak to Berkhamsted Deputy Head Leadership, Duncan Hardy.

Step into the world of boarding at Berkhamsted


019 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re stepping into the boarding houses as we talk to Head of Boys Boarding and Head of International Recruitment, Chris Sutton.

So we’re going to find out from Chris just how boarding works at Berkhamsted, the diversity and community aspect of boarding life and what he would say to a parent whose child wants to board but they might be feeling a little apprehensive.

But then, as always, we get to hear what Chris has changed his mind about in the last two years and what his remarkable moment at Berkhamsted has been.

So let’s get into boarding life right now as we speak to Chris Sutton.

Be amazed to discover how Julian Anthony gets involved in almost all aspects of school as Chief Operating Officer


018 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to someone who is in many ways the backbone of the school, or at least one of them, for sure. Julian Anthony is the Chief Operating Officer and you would be amazed the different aspects of school life he gets involved in.

Which means that in this episode you’re going to hear some of the examples of school life his department is involved in and he tells us what it’s like to be responsible for some of the old buildings on the school site, buildings that have been around for centuries.

But then, as always, we get to hear what Julian has changed his mind about in the last two years and what his remarkable moment at Berkhamsted has been.

So come with me now as we speak to Chief Operating Officer, Julian Anthony.

Berkhamsted Prep’s Headteacher, Jamie Hornshaw (find out what he does in this episode!)


017 – In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the Headteacher of Berkhamsted Prep School, Jamie Hornshaw.

Now Jamie knew he wanted to work in the world of education from a very young age which means he was able to follow that path immediately. So you’re about to hear about this and some of the activities children undertake and the benefits these bring. We also get an insight into life as a Headteacher by taking a sneak peek into a typical day of his.

But come with me now as we speak to Berkhamsted Prep Headteacher, Jamie Hornshaw.

PSHE – what should we be teaching? (Sarah Gledhill)


016 – Remarkable community indeed. In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight it’s all about PSHE. Sarah Gledhill is our guest and she’s about to open up this whole world to us, explaining exactly what it is, why it’s so important to children in school in 2021, and how parents can engage with their children on this subject.

And as always, I ask our guest what their remarkable moment has been at Berkhamsted and I ask what they’ve changed their mind about in the last two years.

So come with me now as we get into PSHE with Sarah Gledhill.

Languages… what makes them so important?


015 – Remarkable community indeed. In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking French, Mandarin, maybe Italian and Japanese, well, we’re talking languages. Dr Nick Startin talks to us about the importance of learning languages in 2021, how French people view British people when people from the UK try to speak French, even if at a low level, why Mandarin is important today and what parents can do to encourage their children.

And we hear what Nick’s remarkable moment has been at Berkhamsted and, as always, I ask what he’s changed his mind about in the last two years.

So come with me now as we talk languages with Dr Nick Startin.

Community – what does that mean? Richard Thompson explains.


014 – Remarkable community indeed. In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking about the community. Richard Thompson, Assistant Vice Principal, is in charge of the school’s external relations which means he has a passion for connecting with the community and keeping those relations strong.

So in this episode we’re going to hear why community is so important for the school, what the Society is and how it works, how the local community can get involved in the school, and why it’s important.

But we also hear which of the school’s alumni Richard would bring back (dead or alive) to give a talk at the school. See if you can guess who he chose.

So come with me now as we talk Community with Richard Thompson.

Sport for Life


013 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking Sport. Jo Vila, Director of Sport and John Riley, Assistant Director of Sport, talk to us in this episode about why sport is so important in the school’s timetable, how it helps with academic education at school, and we find out about the ‘Sport for All’ programme.

If this episode doesn’t inspire you to get your running shoes on then I don’t know what will. Whether you’re a parent or a student at the school, this is a great episode.  So let’s get to it now with Jo Vila and John Riley.

Nutrition, fussy eaters and real help for parents over summer with Olivia Haverson


012 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Olivia Haverson, a nutritionist who actually works with Chartwells Independent but she spends her time in the school because it is such an important role, especially for children in 2021.

Olivia’s about to explain to us the importance of pupils understanding their nutritional needs in order to lead healthy lives, how to cope with fussy eaters, and how parents themselves can support their own children over the summer holidays when it comes to having a good balanced diet. We also find out Olivia’s remarkable moment and, as always, what she’s changed her mind about over the last two years.

This is a great episode, I’m sure you’re going to love it so let’s dive in now with Olivia Haverson.

Year seven pupils share their feelings nearing the end of their first year in the senior school


011 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In our last episode we were talking to a number of Year 6 pupils from Heatherton and Berkhamsted Prep, in this episode we’re talking to seven year Seven pupils. First we have Lexi, Poppy and Genevieve and in the second half we speak to Sean, Bradley, Harry and Archie.

We’re about to find out what life is like on the other side of that step up into the wonderful world of Year seven. They explain what it’s been like joining a new school, especially in that first week, how quickly they made friends and what it’s like when you have to navigate your way around an unfamiliar place.

So come with me into this episode while we step into the world of Year seven at Berkhamsted.

Year six pupils share their thoughts before leaving for the senior school


010 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to nine year 6 pupils, thankfully though not all in one go! In the first half of this episode we meet five girls from Heatherton School, then we jump across to Berkhamsted Prep, the co-ed, and speak to four more pupils over there.

I ask them what their experience has been of year six in their schools, what they’re going to do next year and how they feel about it too. But I also ask them about what plans they have for summer and sunshine plays an inevitable role in their answers.

Come with me into this episode while we step into the world of Year six at Heatherton first and Berkhamsted Prep second.

Pastoral care at Berkhamsted with Tracey Evans and Kathy Weston


009 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Tracey Evans, Chief People Officer at Berkhamsted, and Dr Kathy Weston from Tooled Up Education.

Tracey is part of the Schools Executive and she’s the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the Prep Schools. Her role means she’s involved in the pastoral strategy and implementation at Berkhamsted. Meanwhile, Kathy holds a Masters and Doctorate in Philosophy and worked for many years as a policy researcher and research fellow in education. She’s also the co-author of two books on “Engaging Parents” (Bloomsbury, 2018; 2020) and she’s a much sought-after keynote speaker.

Which is why we’re going to be looking at pastoral care at Berkhamsted, why it’s so important for young people today, what the parent partnership is and some of the things parents can do at home during the summer holiday to support the efforts of staff at the school.

A conversation with Andy Ford, Vice Principal at Berkhamsted


008 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Vice Principal, Andy Ford. Amongst other things we’re going to find out more about the development of children through Berkhamsted School, we’ll find out about the BLP, that’s Building Learning Power, and more about metacognition and learning how to learn.

But we’re also going to hear Andy’s remarkable moment and what he likes to listen to in the car when he’s on his own. So let’s get into the episode and speak to Andy Ford right now.

Talking Science in education with Nicola Nicoll


007 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode we’re talking Science with Nicola Nicoll. We’re going to find out what led her to working in science in education, why it’s so important for girls to learn this at school and how the school goes about keeping the girls encouraged about science.

But we’re also going to hear Nicola’s remarkable moment and the joys she experienced coming back to school after 2020. So let’s get into the episode and speak to Nicola right now.

Learning Leaders programme – talking with Y12 and Y13 pupils


006 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to sixth formers from Years 12 and 13, who’ll be telling us all about the Learning Leaders programme. We’re going to find out what the programme is, what skills our pupils can learn from this and what they might say to other people thinking about applying for the programme.

Hannah Butland & Laura Knight on innovation & teaching at school


005 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we talk to Hannah Butland and Laura Knight about Innovation and teaching at the school. We hear about the concept of ‘failing forward’ and metacognition, how Berkhamsted’s innovation strategy helps students later in life and what their own future plans are too.

Joe Beadle, previous Head Boy and now student at Cambridge


004 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Joe Beadle, previous Head Boy at the school and now student at Cambridge. Joe talks about what he’s studying at Cambridge, how he balances work with other activities and how the school prepared him for life.

Karen O’Connor talks about life at the Pre-Prep School


003 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to Karen O’Connor, Headteacher of the Pre-Prep School. We’ll be unpacking life at the Pre-Prep school to find out what it’s really like.

Martin Walker talks about the exciting future of Sixth Form life at Berkhamsted


002 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond Berkhamsted. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode we talk to Martin Walker, Head of Berkhamsted Sixth. We’ll be finding out what’s coming next in the exciting developments of life in the sixth form.

Richard Backhouse talks about life at school and its plans for the future


001 – Welcome to the Berkhamsted Spotlight, Berkhamsted School’s podcast channel. Join our weekly guests from inside the classroom to behind-the-scenes of our day-to-day activities through to life beyond BS. Find out what it’s really like to be part of our remarkable community.

In this episode we talk to Richard Backhouse, Principal at the school. We’ll be finding out what a rounded education really means, what the future holds for Berkhamsted School, and also what Richard is doing in relation to reaching one million metres…

Welcome to our new podcast

Welcome to our new podcast, the place to find out more about our school and where we’ll be speaking to staff, pupils and parents so that together we’re all connected. Our first main episode is coming soon so be sure to check back here in the next few days to see the first release.If you have any questions in the meantime please contact the school through the main website.Thank you for taking an interest, we’ll see you soon.