Welcome to Berkhamsted Girls

430 Pupils

in Years 7-11 at Berkhamsted Boys

7 Houses

where every individual receives pastoral support and academic guidance

14 Coach Routes

which stop at many of our local villages and towns in Bucks and Herts

The School Day

08:25  Girls must register and be in School

08:30 – 09:00 Girls will have a programme of House time, assembly or a Chapel service.

09:00 – 16:20 Lessons take place between these times with lunch between. Please note, that your daughter may be involved in early morning and after-school practices or extra-curricular activities, but she will be notified of the timings for these in advance.

12:00 – 13:45 (lunch time can vary day to day)

16:20 The School day finishes. However, the time of collection can vary owing to the variety of after School activities hosted on site

Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils experience a broad and balanced education and to provide secure foundations for the future. In the earlier years we try to give pupils experience in as many subjects as possible. As they progress through the School, choices have to be made so that they can reach the depth necessary to achieve their potential at GCSE. At the same time it is important to retain the breadth and balance across the range of curricular areas.

Years 7 & 8

In Years 7 & 8 pupils take the following subjects:

Art, Design & Technology, Drama, English, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Geography, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music, Personal Development, Physical Education & Games, Religious Studies, Science (In Year 8, they are taught separate Sciences – Biology, Chemistry & Physics).

In addition, pupils must select two languages (one from each of the options below):

Options A: French, Spanish

Options B: Latin, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), (Learning Support)

If a pupil requires additional Learning Support (for those whose needs have been discussed with Head of Learning Support).

For Year 8, pupils are unable to start a new language (including Latin) from scratch. Some pupils may not have studied a second language and therefore Classical Civilisation is available as an alternative, whether or not this has been studied before. Classical Civilisation is available as a GCSE option in Year 10, but it is not necessary to have studied it in Year 8 or 9.

Year 9

From Year 9, the next three years of our pupils’ education are intended to prepare them for their GCSE qualifications in Year 11 and provide a broad and balanced curriculum from which to progress into a higher level of study in the Sixth Form and beyond. The curriculum programme for Year 9 is intended to lay the foundations and includes the following subjects:

Art, Biology, Chemistry, Design & Technology, Drama, English, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Geography, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, a modern language (French/Spanish), a further language (Spanish/Chinese (Mandarin)/Latin) or Classical Civilisation, Music, Personal Development, Physical Education & Games, Physics, Religious Studies.

Enrichment Opportunities

Equipping young people with the skills for a successful and fulfilled life is more than just exam results. Resilience, leadership, independence, team-working, self-confidence, adaptability, and a spirit of inquiry are developed both through the classroom and our extensive co-curricular programme.

We offer a variety of enrichment opportunities including:

Outdoor Education: Throughout the senior school; pupils have the opportunity to take part in a wide array of outdoor activities. All activities are delivered by our own ‘in-house’ Outdoor Education Department, which is also supported by other members of staff drawn from within the School’s group.

Activities include High Ropes, Climbing Club and Ski Trips.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award: The Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award Scheme is the world’s leading achievement award for young people and is highly regarded amongst employers. All pupils at Berkhamsted can enter the scheme from Year 9.

Combined Cadet Force: The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) endeavours to help young people develop and reach their full potential by fostering youth leadership and taking part in challenging, adventurous and fun activities.

Clubs and Societies: We have an extensive range of Clubs and Societies (70+), which take place once a week in curriculum time and cater to a broad range of interests; for example Science Club, The Theatre Society, Craft Club, Photography Club, Computer Coding, Cooking, Eton Fives and Duke of Edinburgh.

Trips: We have an active programme of School Trips and Visits, some to support academic studies such as a Classics trip to the Amalfi Coast, a Geography Trip to Iceland; whilst others enhance our co-curricular programme such as a Diving Trip to Egypt, cultural visits to Malaysia, sporting trips to Barbados or a science visit to the CERN super collider in Geneva.


The Horizons Programme: Berkhamsted’s Horizons Programme enables pupils to stimulate their intellectual curiosity, wherever their interests lie. A new resource for Years 7 –13 provides a plethora of inspiration, activities, opportunities and competitions within 25 academic subjects. With an endlessly broad spectrum, the Horizon programme is designed to spark the imagination of any pupil or any young mind.



Curriculum Physical Education Activities:

  • Y7&8 PE: Gymnastics, Squash, Swimming, Eton Fives, Running, Invasion Games, Health Related Fitness, Basketball, Athletics, Tennis.

Games Sessions:

  • Y7&8 Games: Football (Michaelmas), Rugby (Lent), Cricket (Trinity)
  • Y9&10 Games: Rugby (Michaelmas), Football (Lent), Cricket & Athletics (Trinity)
  • Y9&10 Games Options: Aqua Fit, Badminton, Basketball, Health Related Fitness, Outdoor Pursuits, Squash, Tennis, Trampolining, Zumba.


  • Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Equestrian, Eton Fives, Football, Golf, Rowing, Rugby, Rugby 7s, Skiing, Squash, Swimming, Tennis.
  • Pupils will also be able to participate in an extensive after school programme of clubs and activities


Individual music lessons are available to all students in the Senior School and Sixth Form in a range of subjects including strings, woodwind and brass instruments as well as singing (classical, musical theatre or pop/jazz), harp, piano, organ, classical guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar and drum kit and percussion.

Lessons are 40 minutes in length and are taught on a rotational basis throughout the School day by a team of experienced and high quality peripatetic teachers.

Small group Theory of Music lessons are also available and these usually take place after School or during lunchtime. Individual Music Theory lessons may be available on request.


Speech and Drama lessons are available to all students in the Senior School and Sixth Form. This specialist teaching appeals not only to those students who are interested in drama, but also aims to develop confidence and communication skills.

Classes are taught either individually or in small groups (40 minutes with 2 to 4 pupils). Lessons for pupils in:

• Years 7 to 9 are taught during the School day on a rotational basis through each term, so that students do not miss the same period/subject every week.

• Years 10 to 13 are usually taught at a fixed weekly time of mutual convenience; in study periods, during lunchtime or before/after School. These lessons are automatically suspended during exam study leave periods.

Coach Routes

For our Senior and Sixth pupils, we offer our own network of coach services which stop at many of our local villages and towns in Bucks and Herts making the School commute an easy one for many families.

Here is an example coach route map:

Boarding Information

Please click here for information on the boarding admissions process.

Admissions Next Steps 


Registration Deadline – Wednesday 27th September 2023


Registration Fee – Payable on registration, non-refundable £192.00


Click here to register your child 


Want to hear more?

Please contact our Admissions Team admissions@berkhamsted.com if you have any further questions.

Alternatively, please visit our FAQs page

Berkhamsted School FAQs