500th Anniversary Time Capsule buried at Berkhamsted Prep.
A time capsule has been ceremonially buried at Berkhamsted Prep in a joint project with Berkhamsted Boys.
Children at Prep, aged 7 to 11, engaged with the School’s 475 year history while looking ahead to what the next generations of pupils would be excited to see in the time capsule.
The capsule, a gleaming box filled with present day artefacts, will be unearthed in 25 years for the School’s 500th anniversary.
While many Prep pupils pondered over where their academic journey and future life may take them, it was noted that Headteacher Mr Hornshaw would be celebrating his 70th birthday at the time of the un-burial! In 25 years, all involved will no doubt be welcomed back as guests and Old Berkhamstedians.
Mr Hornshaw, Head teacher of the Prep School and Mr Thompson, Headteacher of Berkhamsted Boys said “We are delighted to rekindle the original connections in the school’s history between the Prep and Senior pupils.
“By gathering a collection of present day memorabilia, we are preserving aspects of the life of the two schools which will provide an interesting comparison with life in 2041 when the capsule will be unearthed to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of Berkhamsted School.”
Earlier in the year, Pre-Prep teamed-up with Sixth Form to bury their own time capsule to be unearthed in 2041.