A magical Christingle Service at Heatherton

The festivities were in full swing at Heatherton last Friday as pupils from Reception and Year 1 gathered in the hall for a joyous Christingle service. Parents, grandparents, and relatives were invited to join their children for a festive service where they were treated to half an hour of carols and Christingles.
As guests settled into their seats, pupils entered the hall to uplifting Christmas hymns while holding their unlit Christingle. The service started with a welcome from Headteacher Mrs Nichols as she introduced parents and visitors to our School Chaplaincy team, Becky Taylor and Beth Mitchell, who would be leading the service.
After a group sing-along to ‘The Christingle Song’, Becky explained what each element of the Christingle represents to help pupils and guests remember the true meaning behind the service. “Who can remember what the candy represents?” asked Becky as pupils yelled “the seasons!” in unison. While making their Christingles in lessons, pupils were taught what each part of the creation symbolises. This taught pupils about the religious significance of Christmas while allowing them to get crafty in class!
The Chaplaincy then amazed pupils with an unusually large Christingle. “We have a big surprise with us today,” Becky giggled as she lit the giant Christingle.
As if the afternoon couldn’t get any more festive, the lights were dimmed as pupils’ Christingles were lit, filling the room with a magical glow. To wrap up the sacred ceremony, visitors were invited to join pupils in singing the classic nativity hymn ‘away in a manger’.
After a heartwarming afternoon, pupils were invited to blow out their candles, but held on to their Christingles so they could enjoy the yummy candies protruding from the orange later on!
The service was a fantastic opportunity for parents and pupils to remember the true meaning of Christmas while offering pupils the opportunity to get out of their comfort zone and sing in front of a big audience! Thank you to all the visitors who attended.