Chesham Arts Festival Success!
Chesham Arts Festival – Drama Section
On Saturday 9th February 19 excited Heatherton competitors took part in the Annual Speech and Drama section of the Chesham Arts Festival. The girls had been practising hard in their lunch hour with Mrs Fenton, and although it was a long day, it became our most successful festival to date!
We competed against 5 other local schools with over 130 competitors in total, and came away with 9 placings (2 firsts, 2 seconds and 5 thirds.) Particular mention must go to Meredith McMillan Ward who, competing for the first time, came 3rd, and in the 8 year old category, to Millie Merifield, Izy Martin, and Clara Brown who swept the board coming in the top 3 places in their section, and Ella Henry, competing for the last time, coming 1st in her class.
Charlotte Churchman and Isobel Ashby came 2nd and 3rd in their class and Dishita Yadav and Olivia Fanning were joint 3rd in theirs. Special mention to Charlotte Rynn who narrowly missed out on a placing, even though she achieved a Distinction.
Well done to the following girls who also achieved Commendation gradings: Annemie Nuyts, Samantha Poole, Annaliese Bischoff, Grace Constable, Sarah Tobin, Emilia Both D’Angelo, Isabelle Bisgood, Katie Budden, Savannah King.
Many congratulations to all who took part in an exciting day! Carolyn Fenton