
Berkhamsted Group | 07.03.2017

EPQ continues to thrive at Berkhamsted

EPQ  continues to thrive at Berkhamsted

Berkhamsted School’s 98 Extended Project Qualification candidates have achieved stunning results! 68 candidates (70%) gained A* and A grades, with a further 17 gaining B grades (87% A*  – B).

An army of 50 supervisors spent 2016 supporting the volunteer students through the programme of self-directed learning and skills. All four types of Project were represented: dissertations, investigations, artefacts and performances. Students presented their achievements across two evenings in November 2016 to large audiences, and are now both relieved and delighted by their results.

Academic Director Richard Coupe said. “This was a fantastic year and our students demonstrated perseverance, planning and research skills that were exemplary. The next cohort, even larger in number, are already underway, with even more supervisors, so we look forward to another great year of industry and endeavour as our students demonstrate once again that they can match the EPQ challenge.” 

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