
Berkhamsted Group | 02.03.2017

Guest readers bring literacy to life for Prep pupils.

Guest readers bring literacy to life for Prep pupils.

Berkhamsted School has staged a series of events for pupils to enjoy on World Book Day.

Prep School’s full week of activities and guest readings celebrated authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading.

Children enjoyed a reading from Peter Pan by Headteacher Jamie Hornshaw.  The Rescuers by Margery Sharp was Michael Bond’s choice, as the Vice Principal read to a gathering of eager Prep School pupils.

The School’s Principal Richard Backhouse declared Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis as one of his favourite childhood books. He shared his enjoyment for fiction with another large group of children who opted to take the opportunity during break time.

Today, on World Book Day itself, prefects visited from Berkhamsted’s senior school to share their enjoyment for literacy. A humorous book was chosen containing words that tested the composure of the well-practised public speakers in Year 13.

 Mrs Richardson, Headteacher of Berkhamsted Girls will mark the end of the week with a lunchtime story of her choice.

Prep pupils also benefited from a four day long book fair during the week, with a wide selection of books appealing to the 7 to 11 year olds.   

In anticipation of World Book Day, pupils were challenged to design an imaginative bookmark. Entries were presented to the panel of Sixth Form prefects and the winner will be announced next week. 

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