
Berkhamsted Group | 27.11.2012

Inter-House Netball Competition

Inter-House Netball Competition

The Year 5&6 annual Inter-House netball competition last week turned out to be an extremely exciting event! The Year 3&4 girls came along and gave raucous support to their houses, together with some

Mrs. Chaplin, the School Games Organiser from Dr Challoner’s High
School, assisted Mrs Adams with the umpiring and teams were awarded 5 points for a win, 3
for a draw and 1 for a loss per game.


The results were as follows:


Year 5- 1st- Saturn 20 points, 2nd-
Mars 12 points, 3rd- Venus 2 points
Year 6- 1st- Saturn 20 points, 2nd-
Mars 12 points, 3rd- Venus 2 points
Overall scores:1st- Saturn
40 points, 2nd- Mars 24 points, 3rd- Venus 4 points

Congratulations to Saturn who were awarded the inter-house trophy in
Monday’s assembly.
Caroline Adams

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