Introducing Dan and Ella, Berkhamsted’s new Head Boy and Head Girl

The role of Head Boy and Head Girl offers two remarkable Year 13 students the opportunity to serve as a voice and a positive role model for all pupils at Berkhamsted. While the role requires time and dedication, our newest Head Boy and Head Girl, Dan M and Ella N, are eager for the opportunity.
Ella, who currently studies Maths, Physics, and Geography at A-Level, was motivated to apply for the role of Head Girl because it offered her the opportunity to make a difference. “I was motivated by the level of impact I can have in this position. Dan and I have established our committees among the prefects to discuss the issues we are passionate about, and I hope this will be a fantastic opportunity to act as a voice for the pupils across the school.”
As a Berkhamstedian since Year 6, Ella already speaks highly of Berkhamsted’s extensive academic and extra-curricular opportunities, but, as an advocate for sustainability, she looks forward to utilising her role as Head Girl to help make Berkhamsted as environmentally friendly as possible. “I have established a committee to promote environmental awareness across the school. It is still in its initial stages, but I am excited to get started” Ella tells us.
Like Ella, Head Boy Dan, an aspiring Journalist who currently studies History, Business, and Politics at A-level, also hopes to utilise his new role to make a difference. For him, it is about driving our school’s charity and community efforts to new heights. While Berkhamsted pupils spent a remarkable 270 hours volunteering in the local community last year, Dan hopes to see that number increase even higher throughout his time as Head Boy. “I want to make 2024 the year that Berkhamsted breaks our records in the amounts we raise for charity and serve the local community,” Dan says.
While the pair may be working towards different goals in their committees, both Ella and Dan share a passion for serving as positive role models for the rest of the school. “This role allows me to serve my school community and represent the pupils here as a leader,” Dan says.
Ella adds “as a head of the school, I want to be someone that younger pupils can look up to while making decisions that can benefit everyone at Berkhamsted.”
Through the rigorous application process for the Head Boy/Head Girl role, Ella and Dan have arguably already proven their dedication to the role. “It was very thorough. There were several interview rounds, video rounds, and even a group problem-solving test” Dan told us of the interview experience, which, while rigorous, prepares students for future job and university applications.
As for what the pair will gain from the role, learning to become a leader was emphasised by both students. “I think the role will teach us how to work with others and how to motivate others,” Ella says. And, with the opportunity to work with younger pupils, prefects, and even senior staff to serve as a voice for the entire student body, Ella is right to be excited about the teamwork and leadership opportunities ahead.
We cannot wait to watch Ella and Dan lead the school this year and we wish them the best in their newly appointed roles!