
Berkhamsted Group | 24.06.2016

Second successful HAB launch for Berkhamsted Physics

Second successful HAB launch for Berkhamsted Physics

Berkhamsted School Space Agency’s High Altitude Balloon (HAB) project was even more ambitious this year and involved not only the Sixth Form balloon and payload team but also members of Years 7, 8 9 and 11 from our various STEM clubs, who had the opportunity to contribute science experiments for inclusion on the payload.  

Dr Steve Redman, Head of Physics, explains: “A variety of experiments were designed, the majority of which ran on Raspberry Pi computers. The payload was much lighter than last year, allowing us to achieve a much higher altitude. 

“We significantly surpassed last year’s 27,522m and floated up to an incredible 34,067m before bursting and returning to the Earth’s surface on a lurid pink parachute that rather perplexed the many alpacas who were quietly minding their own business in a neighbouring field in Buckingham.  

“We look forward to reviewing the footage and data from the flight of BerkoHAB2 on Friday 10 June 2016.”

A report and video of the first High Altitude Balloon project can be found in the Activities section of the 2015 Digital Berkhamstedian:

Berkhamstedian 2015 Activities | External Link 

Pre-launch preparations.

Pre-launch photo from the on-board Go-Pro camera.

HAB2 is on its way!

In the stratosphere … if a little fogged up!

Team photo after the recovery of the HAB2 payload.

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