
Berkhamsted Group | 14.05.2013

Year 4 visit Hampton Court

Year 4 visit Hampton Court

Year 4 visited Hampton Court Palace to enhance their learning of the Tudors. The girls were able to witness first-hand what life would have been like living in a huge palace, from kitchen staff to royalty. During the day the girls took the opportunity to ask questions especially when they saw King Henry himself walking around the Palace!
We had a tour of the surviving rooms of the Tudor part of Hampton Court and were amazed by the grandeur of the Great Hall where the less important courtiers were allowed to go and then moved on to the Great Watching Chamber. The girls enjoyed seeing the Pages Chamber where pages would wait for their masters and the Haunted Gallery where it is said Catherine Howard’s ghost roams. We were in awe of a replica of Henry VIII’s crown when we visited the Royal Chapel.
In the afternoon, we visited the surviving royal kitchens and were given a tour of the boiling house and the butchery by Tudor kitchen staff. It was a fascinating experience for us all. 

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