
Berkhamsted Group | 10.10.2016

Year 9 singers impress an audience of 500 at Luton Hoo

Year 9 singers impress an audience of 500 at Luton Hoo


Honey (left) and Tegan (right) met with actor Colin Salmon after their performance

Honey Priestnall and Tegan Mcbride have received praise for their singing performance in front of a packed audience of over 500 people at Luton Hoo Hotel.

The pair from Year 9 received compliments from none other than James Bond star Colin Salmon for performances of ‘Don’t Worry About Me’ (Frances) and ‘The Climb’ (Miley Cyrus). 

The event was in support of Keech Hospice Care which raised over £53,000 on the night to fund support for local children and families with terminal and life-limiting conditions.  Honey and Tegan have since been asked to perform by the Sheriff of Bedfordshire at his forthcoming police charity event.

Ben Noithip, Director of Co-curricular Music said; “We are a department that promotes inclusivity as well as excellence and this is the latest in a plentiful stream of pupils who have achieved in local and national participation. 

“Congratulations to Honey and Tegan for their impressive performances in support of this very worthy charity.”  

Further acclaim for Berkhamsted School’s singing teacher Lina Saavedra has been mentioned, who has supported Honey and Tegan throughout rehearsals and in preparation for the final performance. 
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